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Music As Medicine
The Wonder Inn
Manchester United Kingdom
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'Music As Medicine'  - a night of acoustic roots, folk and funk, conscious lyrics and healing sounds.
This event brings together 4 wonderful live acts, 3 of which have never played a public performance in Manchester before.
Each have their own unique way of raising the vibration, lifting the heart with their music and attempting to untangle the knots of the human condition through their lyrics.


Archaic funk fables and soul migrations from this hybrid musical ensemble, who's songs explode with heavyweight grooves, fervent vocals and rich instrumentation.
Vocalists Julie Gordon and Damien Mahoney combine and take turns to tell bitter-sweet tales of the self, soul and society.
Soaking up inspiration from afrobeat to post-punk, Indian ragas through to reggae and acid house, Caulbearers' music is full of dynamic, twisting structures and sonic invention:
This is roots music from the rainy city.  Psychedelic soul with poetic, social observation.
Typically a full-power groove machine with 8 members, including horns and strings, this gig sees Caulbearers in a rare, scaled-down acoustic form reworking and improvising their material on the night.


Ruth Blake

Ethereal songstress Ruth Blake carries her audiences on powerful wings across lyrical skies, through ever-changing landscapes that prise open hearts, connecting us to our most intimate pains and joys. In one moment, simple, hypnotic guitar riffs and crystalline vocal melodies lead listeners open-eyed into the darkness of the void; at another, her wild spirit calls our human community to unite, with rousing lyrics for this time in history, inspiring us to return to the truth of the heart.

Having tentatively begun performing solo in the Autumn of 2014 with just 3 of her own songs, Ruth wrote, crowd-funded, and recorded her debut album, Lullabies for Grown-Ups, in a flurry of inspiration, releasing it just 14 months later on the Winter Solstice of 2015.

Having engaged with various indigenous and contemporary healing traditions over the years to explore the deepest nature of her human experience and our interconnectedness with the great web of life, her music has been borne out of her own healing journey and has become her most cherished medicine. As well as her own music, she occasionally also performs sacred songs and mantras from around the world.

She has been compared to Joni Mitchell, Nessi Gomes and Ayla Nereo, sharing their direction towards spiritual freedom and sacred connection through music... with her newer material adding flavours of Florence and the Machine, Portishead and PJ Harvey.

Check out her debut album 'Lullabies For Grown-Ups' at...

Second Nature

Rob and Anna hold space as musicians and sound healers mostly at ceremonial healing and meditation circles, creating sacred space through a range of instruments.  These include gongs, dijeridoo, crystal bowls, overtone singing, hammered dulcimer, hang drum, thumb pianos and guitar.

Their acoustic music is an authentic blend of guitar, hammered dulcimer, vocals and the occasional djembe or udu. The conscious lyrics and sweet melodies uplift the spirit and soothe the soul, bringing the listener into a place of balance and contemplation.

The compositions on Second Nature's album Holding Space have been inspired by the deep insights into the spiritual essence of life. They are a collection of inspirational and soulful songs about..... love, healing, spirit and consciousness... Second Nature write and perform their own original songs in a unique style of their own. Their music has a meditative and soothing quality which will open your heart...


Eddie Chilvers

Eddie has been playing, improvising and composing music from as early as he can remember, and it flows from him now as easily as his breath. With a spectacularly colourful background that includes jazz, funk, rock, classical piano recitals and even keys accompaniment to the world number one Elvis impersonator, Eddie's true passion lies with the capacity of music to heal, transcend and transform.

On this visit, the gifted multi-instrumentalist will be sharing his acoustic guitar songs from the albums Change Your Mind and Acacia.  Simple and accessible, yet profound and unforgettable; styles ranging from slow, spacious reflections to rootsy, acousto-funk classics with infectious lyrics and a universal message.


Eddie is also taking the world by storm with his groundbreaking polyrhythmic piano compositions. Check out his Ted Talk, 'The Future Is Polyrhythmic'

"Sound has the capacity to heal. Music can improve quality of life, from relieving stress, boosting immunity and assisting recovery after serious illness.  It is fundamental to us as a species  Virtually all cultures make music. Dancing, listening to and making music can bring us together in community."
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The Wonder Inn (View)
29 Shudehill
Manchester M42AF
United Kingdom



Owner: Single Cell
On BPT Since: Sep 30, 2016
Single Cell Collective

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