Welcome! The Mid-MO Expo is a series of short (45-50 minute) educational programs on topics related to gardening, food production, landscaping, nature, and natural resources. Provided by the Boone County University of Missouri Extension Council in partnership with the Heart of Missouri Master Gardeners, the event also serves as a fundraiser, supporting educational programs in Boone County. Normally the Mid-MO Expo would take place in-person, but with the current public health situation we've opted to hold it online this year. But, there will still be door prizes!
The 2022 Mid-MO Expo will take place virtually this year over two Saturday mornings: --February 19, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm --February 26, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
There will be three programs each day, a full schedule is below.
Tickets are $7.00 for one day or $10.00 for both. Recordings of the programs will be available online to ticket holders for 45 days after the events.
There will be door prizes! If you wish to contribute a door prize, contact Tish at JohnsonLK@missouri.edu
Saturday, February 19--
9:00 am: Zoom opens, good time to check your connections and speakers
9:15 am: Welcome
9:30 am to 10:20 am: Making Maple Syrup in Missouri Presenter: John Stolwyk, Missouri Maple Syrup Initiative Got maple trees? Learn about the process of tapping trees and making syrup, a fun hobby on a small scale, and potentially a successful business.
10:30 am to 11:20 am: Bird Nest Identification Presenter: Dana Ripper, Director of the Missouri River Bird Observatory
11:30 am to 12:20 pm: Targeted Goat Grazing: An Environmentally Friendly Practice for Managing Invasive and Unwanted Vegetation Presenters: Glenda and Jeff Deshon, Goats on the Go Properly managed goat grazing can be a fun, economical, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional weed control methods. Learn what it takes to use goats on your own property.
12:20 pm: Wrap up and door prizes ----- Saturday, February 26--
9:00 am: Zoom opens, good time to check your connections and speakers
9:15 am: Welcome
9:30 am to 10:20 am: Home Food Preservation: Canning 101 Presenter: Liz Harrison, University of Missouri Extension How do I make sure my pressure canner doesn't explode? Should I use a boiling water canner or a pressure canner? Is it possible to can grandma's spaghetti sauce recipe? Are the canning guidelines the same as my mother used? Join Liz to learn about canning, safe harvesting and food storage procedures.
10:30 am to 11:20 am: Trap Cropping: Controlling Insects with Biology Presenter: Tim Reinbott, Director of Field Operations, Agriculture Experiment Station, University of Missouri Each year our gardens are inundated with insects that aren't always beneficial, and some that are downright nasty, turning our cucurbits into a wilted mess. Insecticides may do more harm than good. So what to do? Learn about trap cropping with Tim!
11:30 am to 12:20 pm: Dealing with Problematic and Invasive Plants Presenter: Ryan Lueckenhoff, Community and Private Land Conservationist, Missouri Department of Conservation
12:20 pm: Wrap up and door prizes ------ Questions? Contact Tish Johnson at the Boone County Extension office, 573-445-9792, email JohnsonLK@missouri.edu, or BooneCo@missouri.edu
Timezone: America/Chicago Online Access Information After you register you will be sent the Zoom link and access code for this event. It will be the same link for both Saturdays, but we will resend before the second event. The programs will be recorded and available for viewing for 45 days to those with the access code.
If you will be joining us on a desktop or laptop computer you do not need to download Zoom, but you can if you wish. Your computer likely has speakers installed, but you may hear better by using a headset. We suggest testing your sound before the event. We will open the Zoom "room" at 9:00 both days so you can test your system if you wish.
If you are using a phone or tablet, download the free Zoom app from your usual app store.
Automatic captions available in Zoom. If you need additional accommodations, please email JohnsonLK@missouri.edu