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Career Event - How to Accelerate Your Post IIT Career as an Individual Contributor, Manager or Executive in a COVID-19 world
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Career Event - How to Accelerate Your Post IIT Career as an Individual Contributor, Manager or Executive in a COVID-19 world
Did you have the grand vision of reaching the C-suite after getting your IIT degree? Have you noticed how climbing the corporate ladder is easier for some, while others struggle to find the "magic formula"?  Do you wish that your IITprogram taught you more than calculating engineering formulas?

Are you stuck in Zoom meetings, trying to figure out how to move the needle on your career? It's not too late. Join us for this workshop to learn about the practical tools and frameworks that you can employ to chart a success-driven roadmap for your career.

Part 1 - Frameworks for Success (100 mins)
Interact with an executive leadership coach and your peer IIT alumni to learn how to accelerate your career by soft networking, locating and soliciting key mentors, creating career paths and opportunities, and getting recognition and visibility for making a larger impact at your company. You will also learn how to successfully transition your career to another industry, sector, or functional area.
This is an INTERACTIVE workshop. Please ask questions throughout.

Part 2  Group Breakout (20mins)
We will take time to work together in group breakout sessions and put into practice the frameworks you just learned. Also, ask our speaker about your questions and goals.

BONUS: What follow-up services, resources, and coaching are available to help you navigate this career advancement process successfully?

Deep Sahni will lead this workshop. He brings 20+ years of experience coaching professionals to define their career roadmaps and achieve their goals. Mr. Sahni coached clients to develop key leadership traits which helped them reach executive roles at companies like Honeywell, Google, Medtronics, First Solar, and John Deere.
Mr.Sahni speaks at Google, CISCO, Oracle, Stanford, Kellogg, MIT, & UC Berkeley.
Mr. Sahni also co-founded the Berkeley-Stanford Clean Tech Conference (BSCC), which connects industry, policy, & academia to jumpstart clean energy innovation and impact climate change. Mr. Sahni built strategic relationships with the Department of Energy, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth College, UT Austin, and many other organizations.

Please note that the speaker will require a questionnaire to be filled before the event, to tailor the workshop for your needs. The brief questionnaire will be sent 2 weeks in advance of the event.


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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
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Owner: IIT Bay Area Alumni
On BPT Since: Feb 25, 2018
IIT Bay Area

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