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Deus Ex Machina
Shea Theater
Turners Falls, MA
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Deus Ex Machina
Dear ones, We are sold out but there's a wait list for those who want to be on-call should a ticket open up in advance. So please EMAIL ME AT LMCINER@GMAIL.COM and any night we learn of an opening we will call you with openings. PLUS, we will have a no-shows list for anyone willing to come out and see if a ticket opens up last minute. THANKS TO ALL!

In Deus Ex Machina, audience members will be invited to explore the many corners of the historic Shea Theater, which has been a home for 1920's vaudeville troupes, a controversial 1970's commune called the Renaissance Community, and much more. Though a carefully-curated experience, they will get the chance to play with the ghosts of the building in exciting and sometimes unexpected ways.  

Indeed, the star of the show is the Shea Theatre, a venue with a long and wondrously checkered past. Denis Shea opened the theatre on Valentines Day 1927. The stage was the home for amateur theater productions put on by such groups as the American Legion Auxiliary, the Rotary Club, and the Turners High School. Mr. Shea also brought in occasional vaudeville shows. He died in 1945 and his family sold the theatre two years later. It continued to operate under various owners until 1956. The Shea then remained dark except for a short time in 1963-64.

In 1973, the Renaissance Community bought the Shea and used it as a recording studio and site for their religious activities under the leadership of Michael Rapunzel Metelica. In 1986, they sold it to the Franklin County Community Development Corp, who launched the restoration project whereupon the town of Montague bought the property. Most recently, in 2015, a new board of directors took on the lease  and restored the building to once again become an active and vibrant community cultural center.

The cast of Deus Ex Machina includes Eggtooth regulars and a few new performers: Linda Tardif, Marina Goldman, Reynolds Whalen, Katie Spurgin, Atticus Belmonte, Enzo Belmonte, Pax Belmonte, Amelia Chalfant, Jack Golden, Katherine Adler, Monte Belmonte, Lindel Hart, Lori Holmes Clark, Michayla Robertson-Pine, Emma Ayres, Troy Mercier, Emily Pritchard, Matt Ferrari, Joe Dulude, Deb Banks, and Julia Whalen.


Shea Theater (View)
71 Avenue A
Turners Falls, MA 01376
United States



Owner: Old Deerfield Productions
On BPT Since: Sep 28, 2012
Eggtooth Productions

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