Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival 2017, 5th Year Anniversary!
Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival 5th Year Anniversary! Aug 11-13, 2017 Fri-Sat 8pm, Sun 4pm Price: $30 at Door $25 on line $12 Youth (under 16) Babies Free Group Discount (Please Call) (415) 863-9824 Antoine Hunter's Urban Jazz Dance Company presents 5th Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival "Deaf United Louder" The Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival (BAIDDF) is an annual event produced by Urban Jazz Dance company that consists of performances and workshops that highlight the important contributions that Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) artists make to our community. This is the show you do not want to miss and share with everyone. This year we have Deaf artists flying in from Germany, Russia, Australia, Brazil, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Nigeria Africa, New York, Missouri, Texas and Washington DC. There will be a diversity of Sign Languages including but not limited to Mexican Sign Language (LSM), British Sign Language (BSL) and Hong Kong Sign Language. Deaf Celebrities: Antoine Hunter, Rosa Lee Timm, Kassandra Wedel (Winner of So You Think you can Dance Germany) Deaf in Spotlight: Jacob Kujo Lyons, Ian Sanborn, Chris Fonseca, Isidore Niyongabo, Zahna Simon and more! Please note that the Sunday, 4pm performance is a family-friendly matinee and will be shorter in length. In addition to performances, the festival will feature workshop in Jazz , Hip-Hop, Ballet, ASL DANCE, and more different types of dance classes taught by International, Domestic and Local Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing artists who sign fluently. These workshops will be taught for both Youth and Adult participants in various locations including Richmond, Santa Cruz, Oakland, San Francisco, South Bay and other parts of the Bay Area. For workshop please details is Below
For Deaf Panel and Presentations please visit www.RealUrbanJazzDance.com Please read careful. Photo of Antoine Hunter, by RJ Muna, Matt Haber
----------------------Workshops and Presentations-----------------------------
All Workshops and Presentations open to both Deaf and Hearing
Workshop location: Deaf Community Center = (DCC) 1550 San Leandro Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577
Dance Mission Theater = (DMT) 3316 24th St, San Francisco, CA 94110
--Aug 8th 6:00-7:30 pm @ (DDC) Artist 1: Chris Fonseca (UK) -
Workshop title: Chris Fonseca's Hip Hop Dance Workshop
Description about workshop: Love to dance? Want to learn to dance? Need to release the stress? Here's perfect opportunity for you to get involved in dance!
Chris Fonseca Note: I'm excited to present dance session with passion & knowledge of dance with you.
Dance workshop aims & objectives: Encouragement Gain confidence Understand better structure of timing and how to interpret music into choreography Learn excitable hip hop choreography Exercise whilst dancing and having fun
Meet new faces
Cost: $10 or what you can pay. All proceeds go to the teaching artists to support their travel.
--Aug 8th-7:30-9pm @ (DDC) Artist 2: Ekaterina Migitsko and Maria Rumyantseva (Art Tour Company from Russia)
Workshop title: This fun Russians Jazz theater dance workshop (Think Broadway dance but signing instead of singing.)
Description about workshop: Using this technique you will learn to coordinate in space simultaneously feeling the rhythm in your body. Utilizing the basic elements of jazz dance warm-up, breathing exercises, stretching and relaxation, the dynamic parts of this workshop will be jazz steps and exercises for coordination in space.
Art Tour Company developed specifically for dramatic actors who are not professional dancers and then adapted for Deaf artists. Think Broadway dance but signing instead of singing.
In addition the workshop will consist of a warm-up of the hands, which trains the flexibility, speed and amplitude range of the fingers as we lead into the basics of Russian Sign Language.
You will learn words, expressions, etymology of the language and how Russian Sign Language and American Sign Language differ! Come on down for once in a lifetime Russian Jazz in your own backyard!
Cost: $10 or what you can pay. All proceeds go to the teaching artists to support their travel.
--Wednesday August 9th, - 6-7:30 pm @ (DCC)
Artist 1: Kassandra Wedel (Germany) Kassandra Wedel WINNER of the "Deutschland Tanzt" a German TV Dance "So You Think You Can Dance" in 2016! From Bavaria Munich is a Deaf dancer, choreographer, coach, actress and a freelance artist. Founder of Nikita Dance Crew since 2005, she won the German World Championship in Hip Hop Duo and Solo in 2012
Workshop title: Hip Hop and German Sign Language
Description about workshop: In this workshop she will teach Hip Hop Choreography mixed with German sign language while exploring the use of facial expressions and stimulating your own creativity in both dance and language. This is an all friendly workshop. Feel the beat and let's dance together.
Cost: $10 or what you can pay. All proceeds go to the teaching artists to support their travel.
Artist 2: Isidore Niyongabo (Texas originally from Burundi, Africa)- 7:30-9 pm
Workshop title: !!Salsa and Bachata Dance!!
Description about workshop: 1. Salsa: As commonly known in the Latino community, Salsa music originated in Cuba, as Puerto Rican culture influenced the evolution of dance. Salsa is recognized as an Afro-Latin dance due to the influence of Bolero music and African musicality.
2. Bachata: Similar to Salsa, Bachata is also an Afro-Latin dance that is known to have originated from the Dominican Republic in the early 1960s.
Description about workshop: What will you learn? This workshop is composed of two 45 minute sessions. We will teach the fundamentals of Salsa and Bachata and each dance will be taught consecutively. Our main focus will include timing, footwork, partnerwork, and musicality by feeling the bass and rhythmic vibrations within the song. Participants will also learn basic patterns and connection techniques for social dancing.
The Omnidanza approach was born and designed with the purpose of teaching everyone who enjoys music and dancing. Some people believe dancing without the ability to hear the music is impossible. To counteract this belief, Isidore and Liana developed pedagogies focused on teaching how to connect both Deaf and hearing dancers. This innovation is based on Isidores (Deaf) and Lianas (hearing) personal dance experience of 10+ years. Both have learned how to lead, follow, and recognize musicality through the beats of various instruments and rhythmic patterns.
Cost: $10 or what you can pay. All proceeds go to the teaching artists to support their travel.
Aug 13, 2017 (Noon to 2) @ (Dance Mission Theater) Sunday one dollars Youth Workshop:
Who: Antoine Hunter and his fellow Deaf International Guest teacher and Dancer will teach Youth Workshops! Youth of all ages welcome! Deaf, Hearing, CODA, HOH youth are all welcome!!!
$1 Suggested Donation: $1 No one is turned away for lack of funds! We can't wait to see you all there.
----------------------------------Presentations------------------ For Deaf Panel and Presentations please visit www.RealUrbanJazzDance.com Please read careful.
LocationDance Mission Theater (View)
3316 24th St. @ Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States
Non-Smoking: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |