KING WOMAN "As soon as "Dove" begins its downward descent, the fall from heaven is heard like a tape-recorded choir delivering a benediction for mass. The pipe organ undertones come through like bellowing growls, grumbled from the bowels of beasts and creatures of the unseen. Kristina appoints a soft-saw-swinging guitar chord pattern, anointed by her hushed, but engulfing, whisper. The harmonic signals of danger are sung, inviting a tone patterned after the foreboding air-raid siren spray. Though "Dove" challenges conventional beliefs about the soul, body, and being, it rises up in the catharsis of survival and soars through the pained nature of suffering. The song sulks through strings that bend with both a classical approach to composition and a modern narrative of expressing sadness through slow-sinking quicksand." - Impose magazine
FOIE GRAS "Foie Gras is unabashedly loud and mystic, gentle and soft. Guitar driven, she lives at the intersections of secure drone and reimagined Americana, as if Brian Eno and Patsy Cline have committed themselves to an endless and passionate love affair. Wake up, this is where your daughters have wandered off to."
Hemlock Tavern (View)
1131 Polk St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States