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Introductory Diy paper making  workshop
The Queery
Brighton United Kingdom
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Introductory Diy paper making  workshop
In this introductory workshop you will have the opportunity to make your own paper, made from recycled receipts/tickets/flyers/boring books - using rainwater and your own creativity!

1.  workshop will take place @The Queery from 6pm to 8pm on February 9th.


6pm-6.15pm :introductions
6.15pm-6.30pm : presentation of diy paper-making
6.30pm-7pm: Making and working with Pulp
7pm-7.15pm: mini break
7.15pm-7.45pm: Pressing paper
7.45pm-8pm: wrapping up/cleaning and closing the workshop

Number of participants: 10 max

2: What to bring?

We will provide: the pulp, rafias/bits of strings, rainwater and:
- a deckle and mold
- felt pads to dry papers
- a large tupperware
- a large piece of fabric to dry papers

We'll use water and the freshly made paper won't have time to dry. Therefore please bring:
- a sponge
- towels
- a bag or folder to carry your paper home

We would also encourage you to bring bits of paper that could be recycled by us for future workshops!

3: Pricing and Toolkit

There a two toolkit options: A Full DIY kit and a 'Rent a Kit'

If choose the "full diy kit" you can take home the deckle and mold and a container used for water/pulp.

The rented kit will mean you can use them for the workshop and return them after use.

In both cases you will get felt pads and pieces of clothes (to dry your freshly made paper). Why not upcycle them as kitchen cloths or napkins ?!

Option 1: full diy kit :£25
Option 2: renting kit : £12.5

Our costings breakdown as the following, we aren't making profit.
Per person costing: renting the Queery (£4), fabric and felt pads (£2), buying or renting the deckle and mold (£10 buying, £5 renting) and the container for water/pulp (£2 buying, £1 renting). We also provide/but don't factor into our costings : the pre-made paper base (pulp) and the time/labour.


The Queery (View)
46 Georges street
Brighton BN2 1RJ
United Kingdom



Owner: Vital Azambourg
On BPT Since: Jan 12, 2024
Vital Azambourg


Please see The Queery's accessibily on their website

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