Stream and Wetland Restoration Planting & Mitigation: What To Plant and What Not To Plant
This half-day class is geared towards those who design and implement compensatory mitigation and restoration projects and/or those who review and condition mitigation plans who want more technical information on what plants are appropriate and what plants should not be used (but often are).
Course objective and anticipated skill transfer: To provide details on which plants are ideal to plant in many stream. and wetland applications and which plants should NOT be used for those who are experienced in restoration design.
Material to be covered: riparian (upland and wetland) plants mostly west side Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington
Target audience and recommended prerequisites: those who design, review and/or condition stream and wetland mitigation plans. Highly recommend the person have at least preliminary knowledge of common PNW lowland wetland and upland plants. This is not a beginners class.
Instructor Biography: Dr. Cooke has 38 years of experience in wetlands ecological research and environmental consulting, and 46 years of experience in ecological and geological research, with 39 of those years in the Pacific Northwest. She has run her own company, run Environmental Sections of large consulting firms, and managed vey large civil projects. She specializes in habitat creation, restoration, and enhancement projects, both in design and implementation.
Dr. Cookes areas of expertise includes: wetland and stream inventories, delineation, restoration/mitigation designs, baseline studies, permitting, and monitoring programs; weed identification and control; rare plant surveys and vegetation mapping; soil assessments; watershed analysis; and environmental assessments in the region. She has extensive experience in classroom instruction of wetlands ecology, restoration ecology and implementation, delineation protocols, functional assessment, weed identification and control, hydric soils, and wetland plant identification. She is a former instructor and a founding instructor for the Wetland Certification Program at the University of Washington and Wetland Ecology and Science for the graduate program at the Evergreen State College. She has been teaching classes for the Coastal Training Program through the Washington State Department of Ecology for fifteen years and has taught Wetland Delineation for the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Environmental Protection Agency and the Wetlands Section of the Washington State Department of Ecology. She is also the senior author/editor of the A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Western Washington & Northwestern Oregon.
Recommended pre-symposium reading and/or web site: Familiarity with Hitchock and Cronquist Flora of the PNW (any edition) or any field guide to the Flora of the PNW (Pojar and McKinnon, Cooke, Gard)
Location2023 River Restoration Symposium Short Courses - Skamania Lodge (View)
1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way
Stevenson, WA 98648
United States