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Private Tuition and tours for Stephanie Alperowitch
National Gallery
London United Kingdom
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Private Tuition and tours for Stephanie Alperowitch
12 May - Tuition and Tour at National Gallery

2.00pm - Meet guide, Gayna Pelham

The National Gallery is one of the most fabulous museums in London. In room upon room, you will find wonderful, eye-wateringly beautiful paintings.  Well start the tour in the light and church-like Sainsbury Wing, the newest part of the National Gallery where the oldest part of the collection is held.  Gaze upon some of the finest early Renaissance art and altarpieces in the world as you witness the progression of religious art and early examples of perspective.  Observe as Florentine artists turned away from the preceding Gothic and Romanesque periods' iconography and looked towards the rejuvenation of the glories of classical art, inspired by knowledge of architecture, philosophy, theology, mathematics and science.  This spurred an innovative period in art that would have reverberations in the cultural world like no other before or since.  It was the forebear to the High Renaissance, North European Renaissance, Mannerism, and Baroque periods that followed.  We will start this journey through the story of the history of art with a session   will look at all these movements and end in the light, breezy Impressionist wing where many of our most beloved and iconic images adorn the walls.  We will start this journey through the story of the history of art with a session of tuition in the cafe which will explain the social, cultural and political events at the time

5.00pmTour ends

14 May: Continuation of tuition and tour - as above

10am - 1pm

All sales are final.


National Gallery (View)
Trafalgar Square
London WC2N 5DN
United Kingdom




Owner: arthistoryuk
On BPT Since: Jan 21, 2014
Art History UK, Catherine Cator

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