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Nerd Nite Toronto Season Finale
Revival Bar
Toronto, ON
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Nerd Nite Toronto is wrapping up the season with a bang!

Presentation 1: The Limits of the Human Body by Jake Ward

Description: Our bodies are incredibly fragile. They burst, burn, and break, and yet we constantly travel to dangerous places, dive under the ocean, fly, drive, drink alcohol, and otherwise do crazy things that our bodies are wholly unqualified to handle. Tonight we'll be looking at the science of human limitation, and what fundamental technologies make it possible for us not to suffocate, freeze, catch on fire, or otherwise die the thousand deaths that our unbelievably dangerous lives whisk us past each day.

Jake Ward is editor-in-chief of Popular Science, the world's largest science and technology magazine. He's written for The New Yorker and Wired, and has hosted television shows for Discovery, PBS and National Geographic. He splits his time between New York and California.


Presentation 2: The Music Geek Quiz by Alan Cross: You think you know music? We'll see...

In his 30+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters.  He's also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music and The Secret History of Rock.  He's also written four reference books on alt-rock, recorded four audio books (all top-sellers on iTunes), written liner notes for dozens of CDs and contributed to magazines and other publications in Canada and the US.  He's also a sought-after college and university lecturer, writes a weekly national music column for Metro and travels to music festivals all over the world.

His new radio show is The Secret History of Rock, which runs across Canada and in the US.  Alan has been deeply involved exploring the present and future relationships between music, technology and social networking.  More information (along with plenty of daily updates) can be found at www.alancross.ca


Live Music from The Cocksure Lads:

A band dreamed up by Murray Foster and Mike Ford, both former members of Moxy Fruvous. Both of them had (and have) a passion for early-60's British pop, and in the early 90's, just for fun, they began writing songs that were loving send-ups of that genre. By 2010 they had written 25 Cocksure Lads songs, so that summer they went into the studio and recorded "The Greatest Hits of the Cocksure Lads, 1963-1968".

They've turned that CD into a live, 3D experience, with the help of notable Toronto musicians Tim Bovaconti (Ron Sexsmith, Burton Cummings) on guitar and Blake Manning (The Heartbroken) on drums.

Their sound is classic 1960's Britpop  super-catchy tunes to go along with twitty, naïve, funny lyrics. It's a high-energy, melodic show with witty banter between songs, vintage suits and - of course - fake British accents.

A full-length feature film about the band called "You Gotta Stay Cocksure!" is in the works, written and directed by Foster. Filming starts November 2013.
Alan Cross is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker.


Also featuring DJ sets by MontyB and giveaways!
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Revival Bar (View)
738 College Street
Toronto, ON M6G 1C2



Minimum Age: 19
Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!


Owner: Nerd Nite Toronto
On BPT Since: Nov 25, 2012
Nerd Nite Toronto

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