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I FART IN MY SLEEP. Confessions of an Embarrassing Life.
@ The Lex Theatre
Los Angeles, CA
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I FART IN MY SLEEP. Confessions of an Embarrassing Life.
9 Actors Inhabiting 10 Stories from an Embarrassing Life.
We Are Jen, and Resistance is Futile.

December 19, 2012, Hollywood, CA      

Deconstructing an embarrassing life:  "I had always known I had a gift", quips playwright/director Jennifer Sorenson.  "Unfortunately, it was the gift of embarrassment. But, nevertheless, a gift.  I never thought it was a gift that would enable me to do good for others.  But after an incident in a post-natal yoga class, I knew I had to share it with the world.  And, that day, I started my blog "I Fart in My Sleep".  In the process of telling my embarrassing stories, a beautiful thing started to happen.  

I began to feel more free and happy.  I realized that by writing them down and sharing them with others, I was releasing all of the shame and guilt I kept inside by carrying them around for a lifetime. Then, more people began to share with me their stories.  And it struck me that embarrassment is universal! If we could all just let it out (so to speak) and laugh, what a wonderful world this could be!  So, I am starting with me."

An ensemble of nine actors merge with ten stories from one decidedly embarrassing life.  Think "Intelligent Life in the Universe" meets "The Vagina Monologues".   That's this play, sort of.  Join The Production Company for a sometimes hilarious, sometimes bawdy, and ultimately rewarding celebration of the foibles that make a life.

The ensemble features the versatile talents of Lane Allison, Jay Blair, Jennifer Lynn Davis, Jim Hanna, Ferrell Marshall, Judy Nazemetz, Skip Pipo, Jennifer Sorenson, & Elizabeth Southard.

I FART IN MY SLEEP: Confessions of an Embarrassing Life
Written and Directed by Jennifer Sorenson
January 18 through February 9, 2013
Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM.
TICKETS:  $25. at www.theprodco.com or 1-800-838-3006


@ The Lex Theatre (View)
6760 Lexington Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038
United States




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