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The Hunt for the Red October Lobster Puzzle Pub Crawl Fundraiser
Quig's Pub
Philadelphia, PA
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The Hunt for the Red October Lobster Puzzle Pub Crawl Fundraiser
Teams of one-to-whatever compete in different contests for really cool lobster medals and stuff.  You are free to compete in whichever (or all) of the contests you want, while enjoying the evening. Teams should arrive sometime before 5:30pm (you can start later, but let me know first!).  At 5:30pm, I give out the instructions & go over the details.  You'll play games, solve puzzles and wheel n' deal with other teams at Quig's Pub, before moving onto other bars.  Teams set their own schedule based on which contests they are competing in, so you can crawl at your own speed.  Top teams get medals!  The event is open to everyone, but it is recommended that all team members be over 21 (all the indoor stops are bars). Check out www.clubedventures.com for more info.

This year the hunt will again benefit the Nichole Canuso Dance Company (NCDC)!  They are a local non-profit organization that "creates dances that celebrate the awkwardness, humor and surprise in human experience" (learn more at:  http://nicholecanusodance.org/)

Contests this year (choose to participate in any combination!):
Team attire contest  think red, October and/or lobster!
Photo hunt  bring that camera
Trivia  know your red, October & lobster facts
Lobster Puzzles and Riddles to solve for prizes and glory
Fun & challenging contests to prove your skill  or luck
Collaborative contest - work with other teams  to win
And a hidden contest!

Recommended items:
Pen or pencil, and notepad
Digital camera for use in photo hunt (with a display big enough to actually see the photo!)
Flashlight (it will be dark outside!)
Smart phone (at least one per team) for text messages
Funds to purchase food, drink & stuff during the hunt


Quig's Pub (View)
1714 Delancey Place
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States
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Other > Fundraisers

Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: No


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