Kaabilo: Readers Theatre: The Three Musketeers
Join us as we take an in-depth look at Alexander Dumas classic swashbuckling tale. The Three Musketeers is a story that has been told and re-told through the generations. In this class we will take a look at some of the different scripts of this adventure that have been brought to the stage and screen over the years. Not only will you get to work with a script and in becoming a character but you will gain insight into the variations and differences in those characters over the years. It will be All for One, and One for All in this fun reading and analysis based class. Rick Olson leads this class. Minimum participants 8 Maximum 16.
Instructor Information: For nearly a decade E.D.G.E. Youth theatre has lead the way with dynamic classes driven by story. Its instructors are highly trained and offtimes highly energetic. They foster a classroom that thrives on activating the body and the mind. To learn more about them and E.D.G.E. check out http://youththeatre.edgeoforion.com.
Class is geared toward ages: 9+ years. Class cost per student: $150 for one participant, $250 for two from the same family or $325 for three from the same family Supply fee: None but you lose a script you may have to reprint it Drop-in fee: $20 Prerequisites for this class: No, but you must be able to read.
Minimum participants: 9 Maximum participants: 40
LocationEthical Humanist Society (View)
7574 Lincoln Ave
Skokie, IL 60077
United States