JUNE 3: ALL FIVE WALKING TOURS are BOOKED! PLEASE JOIN US AT JUDSON for an incredible afternoon of other events. NEW Direct link for JUDSON ONLY TICKETS: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/722280
This is an INTERACTIVE GUIDED TOUR with PERFORMANCES and SHORT TALKS along the way. The goal: putting REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE ON OUR MAP and in our community! We end at a Reproductive Justice Fair -- refreshments, performances, podcasting, art.
June 7 marks the anniversary of the first U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing birth control -- in 1965. On this day, we'll be exploring!
--Do you know where the biggest condom manufacturer got its start?
--Have you heard about Madame Restell, the woman's 'doctor,' who took care of "intimate needs"?
--Do you know Emma Goldman was an activist for birth control, as well as a labor, free speech and anti-poverty?
--Are you familiar with Flo Kennedy, the African American lawyer & activist who sued to make abortion legal?
In small groups, we'll begin in Lower Manhattan, at 1 Hudson St, the NW corner of Chambers and Hudson (the NW corner has scaffolding and a sign that says Acapella Restaurant) We walk for 90 minutes (about 1.5 hours) to Washington Square Park. Along the way, we'll discuss some of the historic sites for reproductive freedom and rights, and encounter delightful performers from Words of Choice who will present stories about Reproductive Freedom.
Performers include: Jennica Carmona-Aranedia, Cameron Bossett, Gustavo Heredia, Yvette Heyliger, Maame-Mensime Horne, Carl H. Jaynes, Kathryn Jones, Julia Kelly, author Kate Manning, Linda Obasi, Claudia Schneider, Amy Lynn Stewart, Molly Stoller, Lindsay Torrey, Cydia S. White; guides include Emily Gallagher; Tour Coordinator - Lise Brenner; Artistic Consultant - Stacey Linnartz; Production Manager -- Rachel Goddard; Jessica Carmona-Baex, writer. Producer - Cindy Cooper.
We'll end at Judson Memorial Church at Washington Square Park, enter 239 Thompson betw 4th St. and 3rd St., where we will have refreshments, more performances, interactive participation with art, podcasting, books, literature, activism in a Reproductive Justice Fair.
A full one half of the ticket price is donated to the New York Abortion Access Fund for direct assistance to women in need.
Walking Tours will start at 1:00 pm, 1:15 pm, 1:30 pm (Other times may be added.)
If you are unable to walk with us, you may join us from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm at Judson Memorial Church (accessible) for the Reproductive Justice Fair. The entrance is 239 Thompson Street at Washington Square Park South (betw W. 3rd St and W. 4th St.)
Reproductive Justice Fair participants also include Melissa Madera, Rev. Donna Schaper, Rev. Becky Turner, and health care providers from across the country. ORDER TICKETS FOR JUDSON ONLY: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/722280
LocationMeet at Chambers and Hudson, NW corner, by #1 Subway stop
1 Hudson Street (meeting place, outdoors)
New York City, NY 10013
United States