Who Bombed Judi Bari?
US Navy Memorial Heritage Center
Washington , DC
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Thanks for your interest in this event. We always keep tickets for sale at the door. If the event is sold out we will announce it at http://dciff-indie.org/ The DC Independent Film Festival runs Feb 29-March 4, 2012 so please check out our other indie film and music events.


Who Bombed Judi Bari?
2012/94mins/USA/By Mary Liz Thomson and Darryl Cherney screened with Baffle Their Minds with Bullsh*t, Kerry Leigh   2011/11mins/ USA/directed by Isabelle Carbonell

Q&A with director Mary Liz Thomson and producer Darryl Cherney

Fittingly produced by Darryl Cherney, who was also an EARTHFIRST! activist in the car with Judi Bari when her car blew up in 1990 in Oakland, CA, this film delves deep into what happened that day, what followed and why. Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney survived the bombing and were immediately blamed by the FBI for bombing themselves. Weak though defiant, Judi gives her deposition, on camera, just a month before she dies.

This action-packed journey unfolds in the order Judi testified, questioned by civil rights attorney Dennis Cunningham. The archival footage brings the story to life, driven by music from the Earth First! movement. Judi Bari, an eloquent, brash orator with a union background, grows into a powerful environmental leader. Story threads and character arcs intertwine: the lawsuit against the FBI, the complex history of Earth First!, the loggers, the controversy of tree spiking, the political/romantic partnership of Judi and Darryl, and the fate of the ancient redwoods. Who then, did bomb Judi Bari?

METRO STOP = Archives-Navy Memorial-Penn Quarter/Yellow and Green Lines


US Navy Memorial Heritage Center (View)
701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington , DC 20004
United States


Film > Festivals
Film > Movies

Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: DC Independent Film Festival
On BPT Since: Jan 30, 2012
Deirdre Evans-Pritchard